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Interview with Shirlee Temper

Q1. How long have you been known as "Shirlee Temper" and how did you come across that stage name?

Shoot, since the day the mothership landed! Seriously though, since the day my egg hatched! Really!!! Look, I am A half breed, Filipino/German, Born, bread and raised in the bay area, One of the Meccas of cultural mixing and connection! I can tell you right now the continents crashed and the bigger and greater saw fit to mix up the world and make me, and with that being said, I can truly say that I was Shirlee Temper since the day I was born, even if I didn't know it yet! I know that sounds a little crazy and maybe even a little cocky, but where I am at now, it makes sense! Everything you go through, the good and even the bad, from the beginning of you being able to comprehend things in life as a child all the way up to now, all of it makes you who you are! Then somewhere along the way somebody coined the phrase, "Shirlee Temper" and you stick your hand up during roll-call and say, "that's me!" I’m salty and sweet, fire, water and air! I'm everyone! I am unique, distinct, and yet exactly just like you, different and the same all in one! I don't know if that answers your question, but that's just how I feel about it! LOL!

Q2. With two words how would you describe your music?

Rock Flow

Q3. Do you think the music industry is lacking female emcees and singers?

I don't know if the music industry is lacking in female emcees and singers per say, but I do think that "Freedom" for us ladies is definitely an issue when it comes to trying to pursue our career and be successful in it. Sometimes I wonder when I watch other artists that are quote, "successful", I think exactly how much of what we see and hear is really them. I mean let's face it, we ladies have always been told what to do, what to wear and how to act and have always made compromises to try to make our way in this world and I don't think that the music industry is any exception.

Q4. I notice you have many upcoming shows, which one are you most excited for?

I'm excited about all my shows! It's thrilling when you have people’s attention and they're smiling and yelling for you! I just always want to grab everyone in the audience and pull them onstage with me! I am excited though to go to SXSW, because I've never been there before. And there's going to be a whole lot of all kinds of Music and creativity to taste!

Q5. I have been following you for some time now, but for those who aren't what are they missing out on?

Fun! Lol! Really, I just am about trying to put on a good show and entertain people! I figure if folks are actually taking time out of their own crazy life to come out to see me, I want them enjoy themselves and leave happy and feeling rejuvenated! Like it was worth it! I know I'm not everybody's cup of tea, musically speaking, but I know what others people’s time is worth! They deserve a good show, a great time, and a memory that they can call upon when they're sitting at their job thinking "Damn, it's only Monday, but man I had fun this weekend!" So with that being said, they're missing out on my scene, which says, "come on, kick your shoes off, leave your troubles at the door, we all love you here no matter what you did, do, and are!"

Q6. How do you handle the negative comments you get from those who don't feel your music? Do you channel those emotions through writing a new song?

You know, I'm a regular person with feelings and of course I get a little butt hurt for about two seconds, truthfully, who wouldn't and that's real, but then I remember that everybody's got their own opinion. Opinions are just preferences spoken out loud! Some people like chocolate, some people like vanilla, some strawberry and I ain't mad at ya, if ya don't like my flavor! LOL! It's just the way that it is. You don't have to like my music, you don't have to understand my music, you don't even have to participate in anything that relates to me, but what you do have to do is show me respect! So I welcome your opinions, just don't be an idiot about it! That's a whole lotta negativity that doesn't help anyone.

As for using my reaction towards negative feedback regarding my music, I honestly can't say that I use any energy from that at all when I create and write! Because really, everything that I write comes from my daily interactions and frustrations from regular things, my relations and observations of ordinary things in my life and others! I often joke about how music is my therapy, but it truly is. You see, I think I just try to channel the things that everybody thinks about in their head all day, every day and into the night, the things that make us toss and turn and grind our teeth, bite our tongue and nails and make our eyes twitch, our fists clinch and our fore heads sweat. I know it's cliché to say, but if one person actually understands my point of view and feels the same way, and feels like "holy crap it's not just me! Then I did my job, I made a connection, somebody out there is relating to me and doesn't feel alone, and can carry on another day just because of the fact that they know that they are not crazy, because someone else feels the same way, then..."Yay!" Seriously, I'm happy!

Q7. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were to look at your iPhone or computer - What kind of genres and songs would I find?

The soundtrack for frozen, LOL! No, but seriously, I think y'all would trip, or maybe not,What I got on my playlist! I am the ultimate gumbo! I love music, all music! Music for me is the scenery, what you're wearing, who you're with,the where, the when and why! So I got everything from Peggy Lee, Johnny Cash, Metallica, Billy Idol, ice cube, Foo Fighters, tribe called quest, DMX, beastie boys, Prince, Parliament, ZZ Top, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, the Doors, the Beatles, the beach boys, Pink, Beyoncé and hell, even Taylor Swift, maroon 5 and Bruno Mars on rotation, LOL and proud of it! Everyone's happy at my barbecue's lol!

Q8. Where can new followers find your music or follow you on your social media site?

My Facebook artist page is cool for posting upcoming events but I like interacting with people on my Facebook personal page..

My Facebook is

Instagram, Twitter, Soundcloud and YouTube are all @shirleetemper

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