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Interview with PZ from BQMpire


1. What made you want to be a local artist - Anyone inspire you to pursue this dream?

​A: I was raised around music through my step dad. He had a top 40's band and they always played. I would be his roadie and would go with him to his gigs and help with the setup and breakdown. When I was younger, we would mess around in the garage and my brother would "play" drums, and I would rap raps that I memorized.

I've always liked the idea of rhyming, but when actually putting my own thoughts on paper, it started to make more sense to me. I would say my wife and two girls inspire me to do my music. ​

2. How did you come up with "PZ" as your stage name, does it stand for something or is an initials of someone or something?

​A: I actually used to go by BIG P, which stood for Believing in God Period​, because I feel like music is a God given gift. So I believe in what He has given me...period. But Pz is more of a term of endearment. Most of my close comrades and associates call Pz already. Plus, I lost like 115/120 lbs to date, so BIG P was no longer "fitting", and I like that people can use a term of endearment when they speak of Pz it is lol.

3. Do you have any upcoming shows coming up?

​A: I have some shows lined up for the summer and the offers seem to keep coming, so more TBA. But so far, we are going to be in LA, Santa Cruz, Lompoc and Sacramento late July, early August. ​

4. After listening to your song "Champion" which like I mentioned to you is on my playlist on my phone, but what made you want to write this song to share with the world? And to me this song definitely should have been featured in "Creed" it's smooth and positive.

​A: Wow, Creed! Thank you for that, I've heard that several times already and have submitted the song to Media Personality for some film festival placements. What made me write the song, was the beat. The beat is produced by Yung Cutt-E, who is part of BQM. When we listened to it, I told him that the beat makes me feel like a champion. But when I think of a champion, I can only think of the hardships they have to go through to become/remain the champ! So with that in mind, I wrote Champion, thinking of our hardships as BQM, and how the world is also in need of a champion, or someone who will do what others won't. Because that's what a champion is, they are the best in their field and have done things others have not to get to their position.

In speaking with my counterparts in BQM, we decided that it's time to start letting this music go and stop storing it in our studios for our listening pleasure. We got a great response from our network and made the decision to let Champion out, and make it a part of my EP, Freedom.

5. I noticed on Instagram you are releasing "Freedom" in April - is that a possible EP/LP or Album?

​A: Freedom is an EP with some like minded artist featured on there. My hope is that someone will listen and feel the freedom it took to create this EP. ​

6. What do you expect your audience or current fans to get from listening to your music?

​A: I expect encouragement. I expect them to listen to my music and feel better about themselves, their situation. Whatever they're going through, I want them to listen to my music and feel that THEY have a fan out here. Someone rooting for them, fighting these same battles and not giving up either. We are the same and my hope is that people realize that when they listen to my music. ​

7. I have always wanted to ask you what is BQMpire? I noticed from the website their are several other local artists posted up on there, how did you guys connect?

​A: BQM stands for Better Quality Material. BQMpire is a collective of artist who have the same goal in mind. We want to give you quality, that's the main goal. So whether it's art from PTangible, 2Doe or Marty, or production from Marty, Yung Cutt-E, Mic Angelo or Drake or actual songs from Hazel Rose, Yung, Mic Angelo or myself...the intent is the same. Quality is the goal.

​Most of us have known and been working with each other for years. We have been slowly adding pieces to complete the picture of our approach as well as broadening what we bring to the table. So we're always connecting when we see what we like and can agree upon our intent.

8. Where do you see yourself in five years from now, still performing?

A: ​5 years from now, I see myself managing other artists and helping them use BQMpire as a platform to use their talents to the best of their ability, with all the resources in place. I see this being my full-time gig, as an artist, sure, I'll take it. Honestly, I feel that I've learned how to properly support and manage people through BQM, where they are. And this knowledge continues to grow for me, so I expect it to be where I land, if not in 5 years, shortly after. ​

9. I have been following and promoting you for a while, but for those not following what are they missing out on?

​A: They are missing out on inspiration. We, as people in general, are here to inspire and encourage one another. That got lost somewhere along the way and people are so self centered, that they don't want to share "connections" or they don't want to repost something because of how people will view them. Or they like them, but don't want to be "associated" with them. My thought is this, I can show you love with no attachment, can you do the same? And it's not to say that I'm better, but it's to challenge you (the reader/listener) to be the "better" people need in their lives. You can say I'm tripping, and most people do, but I don't remember a lonely person turning down a hug or company. I don't remember a homeless person turning down a meal when they're really hungry, so why would you not read or be inspired by something, "someone" when you can have that in your life, every day? More importantly, it's affirmation everyday that people are missing. Depression is at an all time high as well as suicides and people turning to social media for praise and affirmation. I may not praise you, but I will challenge your thoughts with pointing you towards right thinking, about yourself, life etc. I'm here to encourage and show people, the only boundaries they set, are on themselves. I can show you how to do it in a healthy way, without compromise...who can do that?

10. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were able to look at your iPhone's playlist or computer's library - What kind of genres or songs would I find?

​A: You would find a lot of EDM and a lot of gospel music. I do "listen" to rap/hip hop but not to ​listen to it, just to hear what the temperature is and what's the latest fad​. It's two fold because I want to stay in touch with the culture but I don't want to sound like someone else. If I happen to sound like someone, it's by my own design, not because I want to sound like____ (fill in the blank). EDM doesn't usually have words so I don't get caught in a message I don't want to hear. And gospel music inspires's almost like listening to a raw emotion.

11. Where can new followers find your music and follow you on your social media sites?

​A: New and old followers can find my music on Soundcloud and several features that are due to release this year. I'm not on Twitter as much because I used to use it as an outlet to just spurt nonsense. But you can just go to my website and find all things Pz as well as BQM at That will take you to my Facebook, IG, etc as well as my teams social media and all of our available music.​

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