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Interview with H.O.P.E


1. What made you want to be a local artist - Anyone inspire you to pursue this dream?

A: I was always intrigued and interested by the Hip Hop culture ever since I could remember. I was constantly writing rhymes and constantly improving my delivery, one of my closest friends was constantly motivating me to take a shot at this...and here we are.

2. How did you decide to use "H.O.P.E" as your stage name?

A: Hope is actually an acronym for Helping Other People Evolve.

3. Do you have any upcoming shows coming up?

A: I'm constantly looking for new venues to perform in, I have a couple upcoming shows throughout the Inland Empire area of Los Angeles.

4. After watching your song "Food for Funk" on YouTube that made me interested in what other tracks you created, was there a reason why you released a visual for that song first?

A: I chose to release Food For Funk first because it has the vibe and the sound of a street single, we are pushing the video as a way to spearhead the Sunday Blues project.

5. For those who haven't listened to "Sunday Blues" on Soundcloud how would you describe the whole mixtape or album in one word?

A: If I could describe Sunday Blues in one word it would be "Reminiscent", as it takes you back to that good music we used to have.

6. What do you expect your audience or current fans to get from listening to your music?

A: I expect them to be ready for some Concepts, lyrics and good vibes!

7. Where do you see yourself in five years from now, still performing?

A: I see myself hopefully established as a person and as an artist, making a way for myself and for the people around me.

8. I just recently began promoting you but for those not following what are they missing out on?

A: They are missing out on the story of a struggling artist that juggles two jobs, college education and music on his everyday life.

9. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were able to look at your iPhone's playlist or computer's library - What kind of genres or songs would I find?

A: You would find a range from jazz music to trap beats, but mostly a bunch of classic hip hop tunes.

10. Where can new followers find your music and follow you on your social media sites?

A: They can listen, download and share Sunday Blues for free at Instagram: @hopeismusic

Instagram: @kingzontour

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