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Interview with Mindfull


1. What made you want to be a local artist - Anyone inspire you to pursue this dream?

A: I've always wanted to be a rapper and try to push my message out to those around me. No one singularly inspired me to pursue this; it was more a combination of different MCs and personal friends that pushed me to take it seriously. My wife is my biggest supporter and I couldn't imagine where I'd be in terms of Rap of it wasn't for her.

2. How did you come across the stage name "Mindfull"?

A: I go by Mindfull because I like the idea of being present and conscious of what you're doing--saying things with a purpose whether it's story-telling, creating a narrative, or just flexin on some playful, witty tip. Also, it's spelled with two L's as a play on the word "mindful": while everything I say or do as an artist and person is done with purpose and depth, it's giving you a mind-FULL of material to process.

3. What do you expect your audience or current fans to get from listening to your music?

A: All I want is for someone to listen to my music and think "damn, I've been through that before!" at the same time I want other hip hop heads like me to be able to dissect my lyrics in multiple ways, being able to listen to the song and catch something different every time, whether that is a dope punchline, a play on words, or a statement that makes you think. I just want to make good music, spread positive vibes, and craft well-written verses.

4. Where do you see yourself in five years from now, still performing?

A: In five years I hope to already have a couple projects under my belt, have been on a couple tours, and maybe have accumulated the coveted "1000 true fans" milestone. I can definitely see my self still performing and making music, maybe not forever, but I definitely don't want to stop any time soon.

5. Do you have any shows coming up?

A: I currently only have a slot in an educational Hip-Hop themed conference/concert in San Bruno (San Francisco), CA on Sat., March 5th. For anyone in the area, they're more than welcome to come thru, talk hip hop, or just say what's up!

6. Do you have any big projects or videos coming out this year, that you can't wait to share with the world?

A: I'm currently finishing up the writing process for the last few songs for my very first mixtape which I hope to have fully recorded within the next couple of months. I've been on a writing hiatus up until very recently so hopefully I can keep that momentum going. When it gets closer to that time I'll definitely post a release date.

7. I have been promoting and following you for sometime now, but for those not following what are they missing out on?

A: I don't like the idea of being overconfident or projecting a big ego, but I feel like if you appreciate complex rhyme schemes and wordplay, relatable stories and experiences, story-telling, or just laidback vibes then you might be missing out on someone with a fresh take on that... above all, I'm always honest in what I represent and will never pose as a hard-nosed tough guy or talk about things I never experienced or don't know about.

8. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were to look at your iPhone's music playlist or computer's library - What kind of genres or songs would I find?

A: Obviously, if you looked at my Spotify (what I currently use, not representative of my entire taste) library you would find a whole bunch of Rap and Hip Hop from a wide variety of subgenres; anything ranging from A$AP Rocky, to J. Cole, Common, Oddisee, Kendrick Lamar, Lupe Fiasco, J Dilla, Nujabes, RJD2, CunninLynguists, Shad... etc. I started out as a b-boy in Hip Hop so you'll also find a lot of old funk, soul, blues, jazz, and even some electronic music (from 80s/90s era... not EDM because I'm not really a fan, to each their own though).

9. Where can new followers find your music and follow you on your social media sites?

A: You can find my music at as well as where I occasionally upload freeverses and other miscellaneous videos such as "cyphers" or online youtube competitions. My catalog is a little sparse right now but like I mentioned earlier, listeners will get a fresh new full length release from me within the next couple months. If you want to catch me on twitter and get a glimpse of my mind outside of Rap, my handle is willrapforfood.

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