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Interview with MC Gels


1. What made you want to be a local artist - Anyone inspire you to pursue this dream?

A: What made me want to be an artist was listening to the different genres of music in my household like reggae, soul, blues, and old school hip hop. If anyone inspired me it would be my uncles, who also is pursuing a music career, being around him influenced me to be an artist as well.

2. How did you come across the stage name "MC GELS?

A: The name MC Gels was just a name that I thought was cool at the time, it also comes from my birth name which is Gelsing. It was originally M.C. Gels standing for Mad Chemist or Mad Creator but I removed the space and ran with the name "MC Gels".

3. What do you expect your audience or current fans to get from listening to your music?

A: Relatable stories, mainly music from the heart I don't believe in half-assing my material. I feel people deserve true and authentic music and thats what I'm going to give them.

4. Do you have any upcoming shows coming up?

A: Yes, theres this show Called the Urban Culture that I will soon be apart of happening real soon. So no date as of yet but it is in the works.

5. Do you have any big projects or videos coming out this year, that you can't wait to share with the world?

A: Definitely, I'm currently working on my album "Wandering Souls" that'll be released around this summer. It's an important project to me because I've been working hard to make a "classic" and I want to give people the experience that you couldn't get on my earlier releases. As far as videos, I am thinking about shooting a second video for one of my songs titled "Webster Ave" so definitely be on the lookout for that.

6. I just recently began promoting you and following you, but for those not following what are they missing out on?

A: They're missing out on something authentic, something that music hasn't seen in a long time.

7. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were to look at your iPhone's music playlist or computer's library - What kind of genres or songs would I find?

A: You will mostly see my work and a bunch of old school and new artists, also jazz, reggae, and r&b.

8. Where can new followers find your music and follow you on your social media sites?

A: You can follow me on Twitter @theyoungmcgels, Instagram @mc.gels, Facebook Youtube Soundcloud mc gels - And you can download my music on band camp which is also MC Gels.

Peace and thank you, MC Gels

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