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Interview with DOPEQ


1. What made you want to be a local artist - Anyone inspire you to pursue this dream?

A: Listening to music everyday before I played basketball, Wiz Khalifa inspired me to become a rapper, His music pushed me to make a variety of music.

2. How did you come across the stage name "Dope Q"?

A: In my 10th grade year in High school, I was Looking for Rap Names and I wanted to keep my first name Initial which is Q, short for Quasim, then my homie Omar got him a dope ring at first I was really liking the way the ring had Layed across the 4 Fingers. I asked him to get me one, I got my a dope ring and I wore it one day after school and seen the way everyone who I walked by. Was looking down at my ring. I felt the famous and decided to call myself DopeQ.

3. What do you expect your audience or current fans to get from listening to your music?

A: For my audience to get good sounds out of my music and so that they understand my art in my flows and to seek imagery I describe in my music.

4. Where do you see yourself in five years from now, still performing?

A: I see myself selling my music worldwide, merchandise and making catch phrases for everyone in the world to say in any mood of time.

5. Do you have any upcoming shows coming up?

A: No i don't have any upcoming shows Coming up.

6. Do you remember how we began networking on Instagram?

A: Yeah, I Came to you with my music video and asked you to watch it and asked if you can promote it. Then I asked if you can put my music on your website and you watched my music video and liked the way I presented myself and lyrics in my video we clicked from there.

7. I have been promoting and following you for sometime now, but for those not following what are they missing out on?

A: They are missing out on my brand, DopeMusicENT which in terms means that they're missing out on "Dope".

8. I ask all of the local artists I interview, but if I were to look at your iPhone's music playlist or computer's library - What kind of genres or songs would I find?

A: You would find hip-hop, RnB and pop music.

9. Where can new followers find your music and follow you on your social media sites?

A: New followers can find my music on YouTube, SoundCloud, DatPiff with the search of DopeQ

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